I wonder if any of you folk have posted anything on your blogs or websites about this scandalous WT article?
Links, please?
Here's mine:
Rob Crompton
i wonder if any of you folk have posted anything on your blogs or websites about this scandalous wt article?.
links, please?.
here's mine:.
I wonder if any of you folk have posted anything on your blogs or websites about this scandalous WT article?
Links, please?
Here's mine:
Rob Crompton
i am the poster who wrote the "confused in career choice.
" thread.
actually i forgot to change the title and thus i made some misunderstandings there.
Hi, Will. I can only give limited advice as I don't know the USA or Canadian education systems (I'm in the UK). So far as area of study goes, I think you are quite right to be thinking in terms of sciences. Don't be seduced by the glamorous degree courses like media studies and the like - if you have any talent in those areas you'll be able to find opportunities later to develop them. You mention chemical engineering and even though you seem to reckon that would be a tough option, you give the impression that you have some ability in that area which you can build upon.
I'd say the thing to do would be to ask yourself which of the scientific disciplines you feel most capable in and which you enjoy the most. Then if you can pair up potential ability and enjoyment, you're heading in the right direction. Don't slog away at something that is worthy and well paying at the end if it means your time at university will be a drudge. Far better to do what you are best at and be spurred on all the time by personal successes, however small they may be.
Go for it! If you pick the field of study that is right for you, your time at university can be really super.
Hope this helps a bit.
Rob Crompton http:snigsfoot.blogspot.com
what would you need to see to return?.
discuss........ .
Maybe if they were to do the same sort of makeover that this church in Glasgow had, I might take a look
revelation 3:3. so remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent.
therefore if you do not wake up, i will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour i will come to you.. revelation 16:15.
("behold, i am coming like a thief.
I checked in the Greek NT - the expression is "os kleptes" ( = as a thief, like a thief, in the manner of a thief) There are no variations in any of the extant manuscipts. That is, "with a thief" is unsupported by any known manuscript.
Rob Crompton http://storytellersbible.blogspot.com
1960's the watchtower pictures showed jesus clean shaven and with short hair {watch 1954 p.511 "why do watchtower books now show jesus with short hair and no beard?
....because he is shown that way in representations that are older than the traditional effeminate looking pictures..."}.
yearbook 2011 p.57 "a bearded man named eric showed up at a congregation in the united states {oh god a bearded man!!!
I can recall people saying that beards were unnatural and that in the New Order men would not have facial hair. Grew mine as soon as I left/was duffed. That was way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth so I have forgotten how to shave.
i read this article last night.
it was confusing.
the parade of dates long before i was born 1790, 1876, 1914, a whole profusio of them with backtracking and sorry excuses was mind boggling, even for one raised a witness.
BotR, What was interesting about the end of the 18th century was the French Revolution, especially when General Berthier entered Rome, desposed the Pope and initiated the Repulic of Italy.
To lots of folk this looked like a resounding confirmation of a prediction madenearly a century before by the writer Robert Fleming. In 1701, Flemin wrote, based on his interpreation of the prophecies of Daniel:
"We may justly supose that the French monarchy, after it has scorched others, will itself consume by doing so - it's fire...towards the end of this century. I cannotbut hope that some new mortification of thechief supporters of the Antichrist will then happen; and perhaps the French monarchy may begin to be considerably humbled about that time." (Fleming. Quoted in Jonsson's Gentile Times p140)
Not suprisingly events at the end of the 18th century seemed to be a resounding confirmation of Fleming's approach to the date setting interpretation of prophecy. Lots offolk tried tobuild on Fleming's work but nobody ever came close to such an apparent success. As the 19th century progressed, Fleming's approach was gradually abandoned by the Protestant mainstream until it became at last the preserve of the sectarian fringe. C. T. Russell was the last to build a reasonable coherent system along the lines established during the century. When his system fell apart it was left to people who simply hadn't a clue about what Russell and his precursors had been doing, to attempt to patch things up. They failed miserably but their legacy still rumbles on.
Rob Crompton http://storytellersbible.blogspot.com
another post gives the stats that about 20 bethels have closed over the last 2 years.
lets assume that this continues at half the rate in another 10 years there will be few or a dozen bethels left.
if theres no bethel in spain, portugal, france, italy and they all go thru germany what chance does that give jws in those lands to ever get a chance at the big bethel in germany ?
They could use Google Translate, perhaps? :)
Rob Crompton http://storytellersbible.blogspot.com
credit to chrisfugue .
Why does he look like he's enjoying it?
i have two.. luke 4.
16 he went to nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom.
he stood up to read, 17 and the scroll of the prophet isaiah was handed to him.
Job chapters 38 to 41 when Yahweh shows up at last after Job has been begging to plead his case with him. Wonderful poetry.
Rob Crompton
when did things really take off for the wt in the uk?
can anyone help with some research ideas?.
the proclaimers book gives some ideas, but i'm wondering how quickly it grew.
Hi, Big Mac, I might have known your mother in law cos I was a special pioneer in the mid sixties in Clydebank. I knew lots of the Glasgow folk.
And carry on googling, folks. There are some fascinating documents turning up online. When I did my research it was way back before the internet and Iwas fortunate to have been given a complete set of Russell's Studies in the Scriptures. To find other books I needed to trawl around second-hand dealers. Then I came across a retired Methodist minister who seemed to be a magnet for old books and knowing my research and wanting to help, he kept a look-out for stuff that might be relevant. Every now and again I'd get a phone call and he'd say something like, "Harp of God, do you want it?" I acquired a lot of junk from Norman, but he also came up with some real gems.
Btw, another title to look out for, though not particularly related to the Wt in the UK, is "What Pastor Russell Said," eidted by Leslie W Jones and published by the Bible Students' Bookstore in 1917. It's a compilation of answers Russell gave to questions people asked him. As I recall, it doesn't add anything to Russell's own writings but it gives a good insight into the character of Russell. It's not difficult to see why he was held in very high regard and affection. Highly intelligent guy - and a bit of a smartarse. Head and shoulders above any of his associates. Shame he got it all completely wrong!
Rob Crompton http://snigsfoot.blogspot.com